At that time, my heart was totally convinced by the romantic and sacred law of marriage in Ireland. 那时,我的心里恰好被爱尔兰人那浪漫而且神圣的婚姻法所折服。
Although we are not bound by the law of marriage in Ireland, we have cherished our vow to discipline ourselves all the time. 虽然我们不至于被爱尔兰的婚姻法约束,但我们仍然珍视这段让我们始终自律的誓言。
The most impressive of this law of marriage lies in the inverse relationship between the time of marriage and the fees to be charged. 这个婚姻法最令人印象深刻的在于婚龄的选择和相应所付费用的反比关系。
The law of marriage act. 对婚姻进行法典化。
As an important content of law of marriage, the status of marital property system has been, showing on-the-rise tendency in three codes of law of marriage since the foundation of PRC in1949. 作为《婚姻法》的一项重要内容,夫妻财产制在新中国的三部《婚姻法》中所占的地位呈逐步提高的趋势。
Conflicts and Adjustment in Qiandongnan Miao Customary Law of Marriage with National Law 黔东南苗族婚姻习惯法与国家法的冲突与调适
Damage compensation for divorce was established in the amended law of marriage, whose jurisprudence foundation is the same as that of general civil damage compensation. 离婚损害赔偿制度是修改后的婚姻法确立的一项损害赔偿制度,它与一般民事损害赔偿制度的法理基础相同;
As a new institution of the country's Law of Marriage, the content of eversible marriage institution seems too simple. 可撤销婚姻制度作为我国婚姻法的一项新制度,其内容似嫌过简。
The study about the legal condition in divorce has been carried out through the whole developing process of the law of marriage in our country. 关于离婚法定条件的探讨贯穿于我国婚姻法发展的整个过程。
Brief Analysis about Payment System of Divorce Errors in the New Law of Marriage 试论新《婚姻法》中的离婚过错赔偿制度
On the law of marriage, matrimonial freedom was realized. 在婚姻家庭法方面,实现了婚姻自由。
On the law of marriage and family, couples should bear related responsibility to the family's living expenses; 在婚姻家庭法上,夫妻应对家庭生活费用负连带责任;
The Law of Marriage of the 1980s established ideas of marriage and family that paid more respect to individuals 'feelings and personal will. 80年代婚姻法确立了更加尊重个体感情意愿的婚姻家庭观念;
On the law of marriage, boys and girls had no matrimonial freedom, because the aim of matrimony was for the benefits of economy, politics and family. 在婚姻家庭法方面,婚姻的缔结往往是出于经济、政治和家族利益的综合考虑,由父母一手包办,结婚没有自由。
This thesis analyzes and expounds the problems in actual application of the system of divorce impairment compensation in new Law of Marriage, and is expected to be helpful to the further interpretation of Law of Marriage. 本文对新《婚姻法》中离婚损害赔偿制度在实际适用中的若干问题进行分析、论证,以期对《婚姻法》的进一步解释有所帮助。
The provision is added to the newly-issued A Law of Marriage of the People's Republic of China that a husband and his wife ought to be loyal to each other. 新婚姻法增加了夫妻应当相互忠实的法律规定。
It's both urgently necessary and practicably feasible to revise and Reconstruct the law of marriage of our country. 对我国《婚姻法》进行修改和重构,既有迫切的必要性,也有现实的可行性。
Visitation rights is a new contention law of marriage recently revised, which fill in the blank of marriage and family legislation in China. 探望权是2001年我国修改的婚姻法增设的一项内容,本文分为四大部分对探望权的有关内容进行了阐述。
The new Law of Marriage has confirmed a new vista of ideas on marriage and family. 新婚姻法确立了婚姻家庭观念的新境界。
The legal criterion of divorce was generalization doctrine in the Law of Marriage of 1980. The amendments of Marriage Law in 2001 amended it to illustration doctrine. The legislative purpose is to strengthen the operability of law enforcement and avoid random. 1980年婚姻法离婚的法定标准为概括主义,2001年婚姻法修正案改为例示主义,目的在于加强执法的可操作性,防止随意性。
As a new contention law of marriage, visitation rights is a complicated system which is worthy of study carefully. 探望权制度作为婚姻法中新设的内容,是一个值得研究的复杂问题。
Is the trend on the development of Buyi customary law of marriage. 是对布依族婚姻习惯法发展的趋向思考。
Many countries have established a set of law on cohabitation, which is in parallel with the law of marriage. 许多国家随之形成了一套与婚姻制度并行的非婚同居法律制度。
In the process of change in contemporary, contemporary value of Qiannan Buyi customary law of marriage appears day by day, and the connection and interaction between state law gradually mature. 在当代的变迁过程中,黔南布依族婚姻习惯法的当代价值日益显现,与国家法的衔接与互动日渐成熟。
Marriage of the Tang Dynasty is necessary to study the legal system because it helps to explore the development of the legal system that the law of marriage and the marriage of the modern legal system to modify and improve also with inspiration and reference. 对唐代婚姻法律制度进行必要地研究,有利于探索发现婚姻法律制度的发展规律,并且对现代的婚姻法律制度修改、完善亦具有启示和借鉴意义。
Since "Law of Marriage and Family"( bill of amendment)( in2001) added the contents of invalid marriages system, it is also in the constant development and improvement. But there are still many defects. 虽然自2001年的《婚姻法》(修正案)正式增设以来也在不断发展与完善,但是仍然存在很多不足之处。
Chapter marriage rules of customary law with national law adjustment, from the legislative, government, judiciary, civil society in four areas, from four different angles to solve the Qiandongnan Miao customary law of marriage and state law conflict. 第四章婚姻习惯法规则与国家法的调适,从立法、政府、司法机关、民族地区发展四个方面,四个不同的角度来提出解决黔东南苗族婚姻习惯法与国家法冲突的有效措施。
The third section discusses the foreign-related law of marriage and succession. 第三节论述涉外婚姻与财产继承法律。